Your Body, Your Style: Simple Tips on Dressing to Flatter Your Body Type
from $24.95

Rani St. Pucchi teaches you simple tricks on how to dress your body in a way that will enhance your best assets and camouflage areas that you feel uncomfortable about or find lacking in any way.

Elevate your self-confidence by defining your personal style and becoming clear on how you wish to be seen in the world.

Learn a simple process to determine what colors flatter you most and which ones to part with, so that you may look more interesting, more assured and in control.

Receive smart shopping tips, learn the importance of investing in the right lingerie, immerse yourself in simple style advice for your body type and more …

Embrace your own unique personality and shine with your body, and your own style.



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Author signed copies available upon request. However delivery may be delayed by 30 days due to author’s travel schedule.